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Recker and Boerger Energy Star Appliances

energy star appliances

ENERGY STAR® is a government-backed program helping businesses and individuals protect the environment through superior energy efficiency.

Results are already adding up. Last year alone, Americans, with the help of ENERGY STAR® saved enough energy to power 10 million homes and avoid greenhouse gas emissions from 12 million cars - all while saving $6 billion.

For these reasons, the Department of Energy is a proud supporter of the ENERGY STAR® program.

Find Energy Star® Appliances at Recker & Boerger, Cincinnati's leading Appliance Store

energy star appliancesBrowse our "Great Deals on New Appliances" tab at your left to find Energy Star® Refrigerators, Freezers, Dishwashers, and Washers.

Ohio Energy Efficient Appliance Rebate Program

Beginning on March 26, 2010, Ohio residents can reserve and redeem their rebates for the purchase of eligible ENERGY STAR® qualified appliances. Learn more about the Ohio Energy Efficient Appliance Rebate Program.

Save Energy, Save Money, Help the Environment

When buying an appliance, remember that it has two price tags: what you pay to take it home and what you pay for the energy and water it uses.

ENERGY STAR® qualified appliances incorporate advanced technologies that use 10–50% less energy and water than standard models. The money you save on your utility bills can more than make up for the cost of a more expensive but more efficient ENERGY STAR® model.

Get more information.