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Air Cleaners

Aprilaire air cleaners for filtering air flow in your furnace When you have a new heating or cooling system installed in your home it comes standard with a fiberglass and paper filter. This filter is designed to keep your new system from clogging with dust and dirt, but it does nothing to filter the small airborne particles that you breathe. It simply helps protect the equipment. Air cleaners are designed not only to do a much better job of protecting your equipment but also to filter out small particulate matter that your family constantly breathes in while inside your home.

Get a Price on Air Cleaners

Recker and Boerger recommends only one air cleaner – the Spacegard by Aprilaire.

  • 99% Efficient
  • No Washing or Cleaning
  • Can’t break down
  • Yearly, not monthly replacement

This Hepa type media filtration system replaces the standard filter that comes with your system. It is mounted on the outside of your heating system for easy access. The primary benefit of the Spacegard is its ability to remove pollen, spores and other airborne particles from the air you breathe. It is up to 99% efficient at removing these airborne contaminates, helping you and your family to breathe easier. Unlike electronic air cleaners the Spacegard requires no washing or cleaning. It has no transformers, capacitors or moving parts of any kind so it can’t break down, makes no zapping or popping sounds, uses no electricity and it creates no ozone. The filtering media has 30 times the surface area of a standard filter so it only requires replacing one time per year as apposed to the monthly changes or cleanings recommended with standard or electronic filters.

How to Replace an Air Cleaner Filter

Recker and Boerger strongly recommends the Spacegard to help protect you and your new equipment from airborne contaminates.