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Refrigerant Types in a Central Air Conditioner

There are 2 different types of air conditioning refrigerant currently used in residential cooling systems. R-22, commonly referred to a Freon and R410A, a blend considered to be more environmentally friendly, sometimes called Puron.

R410A (sometimes known as Puron), is the industry's choice to replace R-22 in central air conditioning systems. It is less reactive with the environment while having the same home cooling characteristics of R-22. R410A is not interchangeable with R-22—you choose one or the other and your air cooling equipment is designed to operate with it. When you purchase a R-410A system, a new line set is included with your central air installation as well as a new evaporator coil. Our experience with R-410A has been excellent. New cooling systems have been dependable and efficient, as well as operating quieter! R-410A is the refrigerant of the future!

  • Less reactive with the environment
  • Replaces R-22 in the year 2020
  • Cannot be used with R-22 systems
  • Quiet and dependable
Freon, R22, heat pump refrigerant

R-22 also known as Freon has been used for decades as the refrigerant in central air conditioning systems. However it has been linked to Ozone depletion and has therefore been banned from being manufactured after the year 2010. It's price will increase as the supply decreases.